Your Account
In this section we will cover the following topics:
Create New Account
To create an account, please follow these steps:
Visit our signup form at
Either use Google Sign in option or fill in all the required details, including First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Password.
Click on the "Register" button to create a new account.
Password requirements: Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least one special character.
To access your Shopify integration, you'll need to go through the Shopify authentication process the first time you create your account. For more details on how to access your Shopify store, please follow the steps below.
Access Account from Shopify
Log into your Shopify store.
Navigate to the app section by clicking on "Apps" and then select "App and Sales Channel Settings."
Look for the Ci app icon and click on it.
Log into the app by clicking on "Open App."
You can either log in with your existing account or create a new account to access your Shopify dashboard.
Direct Account Access
Please visit our Log In page i.e.
Either use Google Sign in option or Fill all the details including Email Address and Password
Click on SIGN IN button to clog into our application
Password requirements: minimum 8 characters and at least one special character
If you forgot your password then click on Forgot Password link to reset your password.
Multi-Shop Access: You can easily access multiple shops and switch between organizations using the same application.
Multi-User Access: Multiple users can access the same organization with their own credentials, making collaboration and management more efficient.
Browser Password Storage: For convenience, you can save your password in your browser's memory after the initial login.
Password Renewal: It's a good practice to change your password periodically, and it's recommended to do so every 30 days for security reasons.
Still need help?
Please contact our professional support team if you require further assistance